My time with Wai Po Tang will forever have an impact on my life. He was more than a teacher to me in the 9 years I spent learning from him, he was a father figure and with out knowing a mentor. He inspired me to train hard and follow a path of self discovery through his teachings in Wing Chun and also naturally by his way of being. His teachings helped me through my darkest times and I will always be thankful.

My journey with him and Wing Chun all started when I was 17. My cousin Kevin introduced me to some Wing Chun movements he had been learning (bong lap drills and chi sau) Which I thought was so cool. They were fast and flashy and seemed very direct. I had always loved Kung Fu movies since I was little but never had been exposed to any movements or training, so I was very excited to learn what he showed me. My cousin had been doing some training with Sifu James Sinclair, one of Wai Po Tangs friends and previous training partners. We watched a VHS together he bought called “Inspired by Wing Chun by Wai Po Tang” and were in awe of his abilities. His speed, precision and intent were to us were absolutely amazing..

Later that week my dad found his advertisement in the newspaper and encouraged me to go along, which I did. I convinced a couple of my friends to come, one came with me, my good friend Jack. That was a big turning point in my life for sure. I remember the bus ride there, we were talking about what we might learn and discussing the VHS. We had such excited and nervous energy and even got a bit worried as the bus driver pulled over randomly and started eating a banana! We so didn’t want to be late to our first class!!

The first class was intense to say the least. It left us feeling energetic and super inspired. We invited more friends to join us and started training more and more. Wai Po Tangs teaching style was a mixture of classical Wing Chun were we did drills, Chi Sau and forms and what he called flexible Wing Chun, were we trained like fighters, with gloves and summer training camp style classes. The kind that make you want to puke in the corner haha.. We learnt to love the hard work and felt the change in our bodies and minds.

In the 9 years I just finished the third form Biu Gze, and was asked to help teach the classes. I was leaving London for better life opportunities in Hong Kong. I was very sad to leave but sometimes you know you have to move forward. Wai Po Tangs school and teachings helped steer me off certain paths and on to a one of self improvement.

Those times were some of my fondest memories and I bring what I learnt into my system at Raw Wing Chun, balancing the internal and practical application of the art.